AOMB Polska took part in a conference entitled „Na styku dwóch światów’ / ‘On the edge of two worlds’

On 22 February 2018 Konrad Futera and Jakub Sielewiesiuk of AOMB Polska took part in a conference entitled „Na styku dwóch światów: jak startupy i duże przedsiębiorstwa budują nową polską gospodarkę?” („On the edge of two worlds. How start-ups and big companies build new Polish economy?”), organized by MIT Enterprise Forum Poland (MIT EF Poland), summarizing a pilot start-up acceleration programme called “Scale-up”. The conference took place in the headquarters of PKO Bank Polski, Puławska 15, Warszawa. We got familiar with the summary of the third edition of the MIT EF Poland programme, especially with impressions of the participating start-ups, among which we were pleased to find our clients, as well as the big companies supporting the programme (i.a. Adamed, KGHM, PGNiG, PKO BP).